600 Series Model...
600 Series Model A Pneumatic ON-OFF Ball Valves

600 Series Model...

This series of full port flanged ball valves has the same design features as the Series 6000 product...

800 Series Contr...
800 Series Control Butterfly Valves

800 Series Contr...

These high performance butterfly valves provide long lasting tight shut-off or control capability...

5000 /7000 AND 6...
5000 /7000 AND 6000 /9000 Series FLANGED BALL VALVES

5000 /7000 AND 6...

These polymer-seated flanged ball valves incorporate flexible-lip seat design that provide positive shut-off ...

T4H Series singl...
T4H Series single-seat control valves

T4H Series singl...

T4H Series single-seat control valve can be used to control various pressure and temperature fluids The valve...

600 Series Model...
600 Series Model A Pneumatic ON-OFF Ball Valves

600 Series Model...

This series of full port flanged ball valves has the same advanced design features as the Series 6000 product...

V Series Regulat...
V Series Regulating ball valve

V Series Regulat...

V-series valves have single-piece bodies, which prevents leaks caused by separate flanges or locking rings…